Claim a rental bond
Apply to have your rental bond returned through MyBond.
Key info
- An owner or agent must start a claim within three working days of the tenant returning the keys. The tenant will receive a claim notification from MyBond which can then be approved or disputed.
- If the property owner or agent has not made a claim within 3 working days the tenant can apply to have their bond returned. If the owner or agent does not dispute the claim, the bond will be automatically paid to the tenant 14 days after it was claimed.
- If the property owner or agent makes a claim the funds will not be released unless the tenant approves it. If the tenant does not approve the claim the matter will go to dispute.
- Once a claim is approved, or a dispute finalised, it may take 3 to 5 working days for the money to go into the recipient's bank account.
Please visit Consumer, Building and Occupational Services to claim a rental bond
Related Information
- Pay a rental bond
- Transfer a rental bond
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